What makes diffusers an essential part of any professional music studio?
Diffusers are acoustical modules that disperse sound in a room.
If sound waves hit a smooth, sound-reflecting surface, they are reflected back unchanged. This is called a hard reflection. High-energy, hard reflections are very similar to the direct signal, except that they reach the listener with a certain time offset and come from a different direction. Both signals overlap and lead to a very unfavorable comb filter effect, which distorts the sound, but also to a loss of the stereo image, because the brain locates the sound source from a different direction. These problems can be solved by absorbers. However, since a room can easily be overdamped with absorbers, diffusers come into play. Thanks to their mathematically optimized surface structure, they can perfectly disperse the sound, i.e. diffusely reflect it.
In this way, the previously mentioned negative effects can be circumvented, and at the same time the vividness of the room can be preserved. They prevent a flat and dull sound, which would occur with excessive absorption.